

Director: Jon Stafford
Accompanist: Mark Johnson
Librarian: Raydelle Kistler


Our “official” name is Peninsula Chamber Singers. We are a registered 501(c)(3) organization with a Board. Karla Morgan is the current Board President..


Peninsula Singers seeks the support of the Olympic Peninsula communities we serve to help us meet our financial needs. Your donation would be greatly appreciated. We want to recognize your donation publicly, and we will acknowledge your generosity on our website and on our concert programs. We are a registered 501(c)(3) organization.

Your contribution helps us in many ways.

  • Music rental or purchase
  • Insurance and hall rental for performances
  • Printing Fall brochures to announce our concerts
  • Printing programs for each concert
  • Sponsoring a scholarship program

Did you know
If you contribute as little as $25.00 per year you become a supporting member of Peninsula Singers?


Peninsula Singers began in 1988 as a chamber group called Peninsula Chamber Singers. Dennis Crabbe, Director of Music at Peninsula College, started the group and in 1990, Dewey Ehling took over as conductor and has directed for the past 17 years. In 2005, the name was changed to Peninsula Singers to reflect the larger and growing size of the chorale. Though the group started as a chamber group it has expanded its size in order to do large choral works with orchestra. It retains its chamber concept, however, and will occasionally feature a chamber group in concerts.

The singers are made up of experienced singers from the North Olympic Peninsula. Many have had college experience, some professional. A few are music majors. The goal of all is to sing the best choral literature available. While we have mostly post-college singers, we do include a few younger inexperienced singers who have shown vocal promise and the desire to gain experience and familiarity with the repertoire.

Among the hundreds of works performed in the past years are:

Bach: Magnificat, St. Matthew Passion
Beethoven: Mass in C
Brahms: Shicksalslied
Brubeck: La Fiesta de la Posada
Durufle: Requiem Mass
Faure: Requiem Mass
Gounod: St Cecilia Mass
Handel: Messiah
Haydn: Nelson Mass
Mozart: Requiem Mass, Grand Mass, Solemn Vespers
Carl Orff: Carmina Burana
Schubert: Mass in G
Randall Thompson: Frostiana
Rutter: Requiem
Vivaldi: Gloria
Vaughan Williams: Dona Nobis Pacem
and much more!

We have done selections from major musical productions such as Steven Sondheim’s Into the Woods, Andrew Lloyd Weber’s Cats, and several full-length productions of Menotti’s Amal and the Night Visitors in full costume and staging. In addition we have performed many art, folk and gospel works by various composers.

We are still growing! We will continue to perform the finest choral work by classic and contemporary composers of all persuasions for all audiences.